Monday, September 05, 2005


Whole is more than the sum of its parts ....

When science demystifies something like Buddha's search for truth and "scientists " talking so definitively about the experiences of Buddha, and drawing similarities it to mood enhancing drugs, (like the 'nod' a smack addict experiecences and time expands to infinity), I want to scream that the whole is more than the sum of its parts , how much ever you guys demystify these, you will still miss out on the magic of the binding thread that bonds all experiences of these great souls and presents itself to the whole world.


Vinesh said...

Your posts are brilliant.

We often say "I would have said this if you hadn't" or "You took the words from my mouth"

but reading your posts makes me say.."You take words right out of my mouth"

There are many things that I feel, but don't know how best to put in words. You do it wonderfully well!

I am adding you to my Blogroll! :-)

Vinesh said...

Comments related to this post: I read an article a few days ago titled "If God exists, why did the Tsunami occur?"

It was comical, the understanding of God exhibited by the halfbaked writer!

Kasthuri said...

"scientists " talking so definitively about the experiences of Buddha, and drawing similarities it to mood enhancing drugs...
You have put a quote on "scientists" and that explains it. Nice.
Buddha is a fulfillment of Hindu thought and it is unfortuante that science which should resort to unify things is interested only in dichotomy !
Interesting post.

Random Access said...

Nice posts. First time in here. Pretty sad that what is termed as science is only abt 500 yrs old. When a frog inside a well thinks the well is the world, it is correct to hypothesise so, and it becomes science in its own world and if know no better, we will take it as the truth. You have to see the bigger picture, which is often not visible to u. I guess thats why science is always expanding..but ever so limited. Cos they simply donno wht they are talkin abt!

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Anonymous said...

somethings can't be explained. just reminds me of learning to swim from a book

TJ said...

Keep raising high and high, and all you find is just Two things, and then start looking outward and inward simultneously and find the ONE. :) And the secret zoom lens to do this is what is the missing thread as u said :)

Paavai said...

Thanks Vinesh - let me believe that wise men think alike :)

kasthuri - yes dichotomy seems to be biggest hurdle that "science" will have to cross

random access - i agree - it is like, I don't know therefore it does not exist for most scientists

dubukku - as always, your wonderful analogy adds so much meaning to what I wrote

tj - in search of missing thread most "scientists" end up making premature conclusions

Anonymous said...

Wow Paavai, a lot of this is beyond me. But am reading it regularly, hopefully some of it is sinking into my head. Keep it going.

Paavai said...

WA :)-

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