Sunday, July 15, 2007


'My love for her had killed my lust for others' - Graham Greene.

Is this what everyone wishes from the other? I would even want to substitute the word lust with love.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Always thought I was a technophobe, I now realize I am a technodumbo.. learnt how to use my google account to log in just now

Saturday, April 14, 2007

India - i love my India

Happened to see some statistics today:

Do you know where maximum income is spent by people living in slums - toilets - if it is a five member family @ 2Rs each 10Rs a day*30 days =300 Rs.

No of schools where there is no toilet for girls - 85% of govt schools

One of the reasons for girls dropping out of schools - no toilets

Number of teacher positions not filled - more than 35000

Number of trained teachers who are unemployed - lakhs

India has defined diversity in newer ways