Friday, December 02, 2005

Musical torture or torturous music

Never thought that the two words music and torture will be uttered or written together.

Read in abc news that at abu ghraib they play loud eminem rap music and that prisoners find this tortorous and they confess.

Can't understand whether the torture is rap music, loudness, or the words in eminem song Anyways I knew music had healing powers, now I know it had other powers too - like drawing a confession


Usha said...

You might be shocked by this - but a Frenchman told me that he found Classical South Indian music tortuous!!!

Anonymous said...

Have you never heard me singing? :)))
It depends on who's singing...

Usha - LOL :)

Pradeep Nair said...

Yea, depending on one's taste, music can be torturous.