Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Focus, goal , direction

"Is your life run by compass or a clock", "Focus on the larger picture and don't expend your energy on short term goals", "Do you know what where you are going ?" These words of wisdom, (!!) scream at us from self help books, godmen, business tycoons, gurus etc.

In life there are two things that are definite, life and death. Once we are born, one of these deed is done and nothing can change that.

The the other one left is death. So in essence - death is the direction all of us are moving towards on a second, to minute, to day, to year basis.

Ironically though the end is obvious, we invest and expend our reserves on life, which is over the minute we came to earth. Isn't this a paradox that we constantly spend our energy on a futile battle to extend our lives, make believe (maya) that things are permanent, atleast semi permanent, leave an indelible mark, appearance, clothes, wealth, sensory pleasures etc etc and get caught in the web of life.

Maybe like a child who gets distracted by a chocolate before a shot is given by the doctor, life distracts us with all of this before life gives us the shot - death.

The focus could very well be on dissociating from earthly wants and pleasures, petty squabbles, enemity, illness etc. so that when the inevitable goal (the one we did not set for us, but is there in an unchangeable way) "death" is reached, it is easy for us to surrender ourselves to this goal with total comfort.


Anonymous said...

Same thoughts
Life is more a game with Death- end of Game or timeout.

In early years we tend to play and enjoy the game with this gyan descending on us until we have strength (moth mentally/ physically) or term it maturity

But I always have preferred to enjoy it.

Jinguchakka said...

Too many self improvement books??

Jus'kidding. Some time back I too was musing like you. Not to favourable responses though! :-)

Usha said...

From my experience, teachings of the wise could only be a guidance but I had to go "through" the experiences of pain caused by attachment,desire, anger, pride, ambition, greed etc before actually realising the futility of it all. For some it takes one experience for others it takes more but it comes ultimately. Death is not a goal for us it is the end - the goals are what we can hope to achieve before the inevitable overcomes us.
In a way I am happy for the maya which acts as a motivation for life to go on , for us to see the temporal things of the world as if they are permanent and appreciate them - otherwise life could be a very depressing experience.

Pradeep Nair said...

I am in full agreement with your last paragraph. If I may add: we must consciously go slow (I won't say completely abjure) on "our wants" and look more closely at "our needs".

Paavai said...

Dubukku - Thamarai elai thanni madiri

Jinguchakka - iioo i am running away from self improvement books these days

Usha - Not sure that maya will motivate me and also if there is no maya I will be depressed. nirandara anandam, perinbamnu ellam solradhu kidaikumo ennavo

Pradeep - You said it wants vs needs