Monday, August 08, 2005

Knowledge and cash

Are the days of knowledge for knowledge sake is over?

BBC had a program on students not enrolling in adequate numbers for higher level courses on certain subjects. The key point of discussion centered around - 'should courses like physics, chemistry and philosophy be removed and be replaced with courses that are in demand like management, journalism etc'.

I am glad that Socrates, Einstein, Descartes, Huxley, Sartre, Freud, Jung and other thinkers are not here to hear this.

No wonder school kids have seen through this and have started using education as a means to make money and not as a vehicle for knowledge gain.


TJ said...

make the cakes which sell!!

Paavai said...

sad tj - cake ellam pulichu poidum - without newer inputs and makkal will become maaakal

Anonymous said...

Still people do join those courses.

simple reason, not getting a seat for those jazzy courses.

Paavai said...

may be diwakar

Usha said...

Our ancient vedic system of education beieved in pursuit of knowledge for the sake of it. When the British introduced the educational pattern they devised one that would create the clerks that they needed.Rajeev gandhi sought to modernise it a bit and make it in line with today's world - making it too intensive and tough at school level - schooling stopped being fun. But today higher education is determined by what the US job market needs. Somewhere along the line, if in spite of all this some people retain their thirst for knowledge and pursue it on their own outside the educational system, I guess.