Monday, September 16, 2013

Death Penalty

Decide on a date and time. Organize for a hangman. Measure the thickness of the rope. Find a place that sells the rope. Take an object that weighs the same as the human being. Tie the object to the noose and pull the lever. Be content that it serves the purpose, maybe smile.

Ask the person if he/she has any last request. Arrange for a bath/shave/food. Walk the person to the noose and hang the person. Get a doctor to certify the person is dead.

Doesn't the above sound as if it is pre meditated murder?

If death is the penalty for crimes, what should be the punishment for the state?

I am not for a minute condoning the actions of a murderer or a rapist or anyone who has committed crime. They need to be punished and there is no doubt on that. Is death penalty the answer and should it continue in a civilized society?

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