Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sweet and sour teens

Same home, same parents, same school ....

First son (sixteen) concerns - how to help him get the highest score in school finals, which subjects to choose for higher studies, which place to send him, how much will it cost ................

Second son (fifteen) concerns - will he finish his school finals, what will he do to look after himself, will he get into drugs .............

Is there a magic mantra on parenting so that the concerns are limited to the ones for the first son ????


Rajesh &Shankari said...

Welcome to my blog, you have a nice blog going!

Anonymous said...

If only. Hope things get better for the parents

Usha said...

I thought the concerns for every child is incremental - for example for the first child we start with the standard concerns that all parents have and then they pick up a few more concerns in the process of bringing up the child and these become the standard concerns for the second and so on...
Trouble is there is no magic mantra and every child is unique. Isnt that the joy too?

A K Ravishankar said...

I accept u

Queen said...

Parenting is the toughest management job in the world. I guess no one has ever found out the secret of good parenting. And toughest period of parenting is from 13 to 21.

Wellingtonbala said...

Where there is love, there is no responsibility. This may be a magic Mantra that could make life of parents much easier.

Mahadevan said...

Each child is unique. Needs, aspirations, abilities and skills are different. Is it not cruel to reduce these differences to a sort of factory made uniformity? The other day, Sandeep Patil said, 'we don't need 11 Sachin Tendulkars'. That team cannot win. A fair blend of various skills will see us through in the struggle for existence.