Monday, August 14, 2006

Definition of knowledge

Vijay TV hosted a very heated and meaningful talk show on reservation. Gyani brought up a wonderful perspective on defining knowledge.

He said 'if we walk through the campus where this talk show is being hosted and ask the gold medalists from schools/colleges, to name the trees, they may be at a loss, but a child from a village would be able to identify them with their common names like nochi, oomathai etc. Unfortunately we are unwilling to recognize that kind of knowledge as meaningful and we have defined ability to name the capital of Scandinavia as knowledge'.

How very true and his points on pro reservation were also very scientific and rational. I know I am opening a pandoras box with this last sentence :)-


Wellingtonbala said...

Interesting observation. Knowledge is not mere accumulation of facts. It is knowing oneself along with one's environment.Isn't it?

Wellingtonbala said...
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Mahadevan said...

Many a times, we confuse knowledge with information. Two plus two equals four is knowledge. Chris Gayle scored a century, is information. Information can be used to build up knowledge.

Because all are not equal, reservation is rational and scientific. However, I disagree with the politicians, asto how reservation is to be worked out.

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